Is using an acronym of a trademark an infringement?
Trademark infringement cases can get tricky at times. You might have used the acronyms of another company’s trademark [...]
READ MOREHow to win a trademark infringement case?
Trademark infringement cases arise when an unauthorized individual or business uses another company’s trademark in ways that can [...]
READ MORECan anyone sue us for trademark infringement?
Trademark infringement is the unauthorized use of trademarks which comes as a violation of the registered owner’s exclusive [...]
READ MOREWhat should I do if someone else is using my trademark?
There you are walking around the street when you suddenly see a sign having a very familiar look. Then you [...]
READ MOREIs a trademark valid if it is never used in commerce?
A lot of factors come into play when you say that a trademark is “never used in commerce”. [...]
READ MOREIs it legal to put ‘TM’ at the end of a logo without a permit?
Basically, a trademark is a sign, logo, or name used by individuals or businesses to signify their ownership of the [...]