What is the date of the first use of a trademark?
Once you use an original mark for any product or service you provide in the market, you automatically have certain [...]
READ MORECan you use someone’s trademark if they let it lapse?
In Singapore, a registered trademark is valid for 10 years. Before the validity ends, the owner must renew the registration [...]
READ MOREWhat to do when my trademark registration has been refused?
The examination of trademarks in Singapore is handled by Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS) and will usually take between [...]
READ MOREHow does one transfer a trademark?
One of the benefits of having a registered trademark is enjoying the exclusive rights given to the proprietor in the [...]
READ MORECan I use my trademark in any product?
A registered trademark can only be used on a brand that has been registered with that name, symbol or logo. [...]