• TM Registration

How to check your trademark registration status?


It is your responsibility to monitor the progress of your trademark application status at the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS). First, you need to be familiar with the process and the parties handling the trademark examination. Secondly, you will be given a reference number for you application once you have completed the requirements for the application.

Three factors can make the application easier before you submit the requirements. First, you should search for existing marks that might be similar to yours. Second is to use the IPOS classification database to classify your trademark properly based on the goods and/or services listed in your application. And lastly, you are encouraged to seek professional assistance when applying for trademark. You will be notified by the registrar in case there are missing information in your application and given two months to amend it. If there are amendments, you will be notified to submit TM27 form and pay an amendment fee and bureau charges.

To make sure that you fulfill all of your requirements for the application, you should review the forms and fees for manual filing and online filing. You will know that your application has been accepted once you are issued a trademark number and an acknowledgement letter. Keep this number as your reference in case you have an inquiry. It will also be easier to monitor the application with the number. If you fail to meet the requirements, you will be notified via a letter as well.


Checking the Forms and Fees

The most basic forms you need to remember are TM4 for application of a trademark, TM27 for amendment of trademark application, TM10 for amendments of the use of a trademark, TM11 for notice of opposition, TM19 for trademark registration renewal, CM5 for extension request, CM8 for transfer of ownership, HC1 for notice of hearing attendance, and HC6 for counter-statement. There are also different forms for international trademark relations. A detailed list of all the forms and fees for trademark application is readily available online at the IPOS website for your perusal.


Trademark Conflicts and Opposition

If there is no conflict with existing trademarks, you will be notified that the mark is registrable according to the country’s laws. The duration of the examination will depend on the list of classified goods and/or services in your application as they need to make sure there are no conflicts with the international standards, pharmaceutical products, and the list of international non-propriety name. If there are any conflicts, you will be notified via a letter. You will need to respond to the letter within a four-month period.

During the public scrutiny phase, which will last for two months when the trademark is published in the journal, you will be notified via a letter if there is an opposition. You will be given time to respond and provide evidences as well as attend a hearing to determine what happens with the application.

You will know if the application is successful once you are issued the Certificate of Registration.